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Zeroes and Ones

Imagine a world with only black and white

With only on and off switches to determine our lives

You either get the fat gene, or you're thin like a stick

You can be happy or sad, and healthy or sick

In this world, there's only good or evil

(and maybe creepy switches between)

People are gay or straight, there's only love or hate

Absurdly friendly or just plain mean

Autism isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Depression isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Happiness isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Skin colour isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Sexuality isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Gender identity isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Love is not a spectrum, it's a switch

Humanity is not a spectrum, it's a switch

Welcome to the universe of Xs and Os

We call this the binary plane

Things either are, or things are not

You can choose to be opposite or the same

One good thing about living two-tone is that half of us are anarchists here

But it kinda sucks that we're at constant war with all the fascist state-run cities near

Spirituality isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Music taste isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Intelligence isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Suffering isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Light is not a spectrum, it's a (light) switch

Politics isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Morality isn't as spectrum, it's a switch

Love is not a spectrum, it's a switch

Welcome to the universe of Xs and Os

We call this the binary plane

Things either are, or things are not

You can choose to be opposite or the same

Free will only takes us in 2 directions

There is no middle path

Feels like we are living below the second dimension

And we never have a reason to laugh

Anxiety isn't a spectrum, it's a switch,

Matter isn't a spectrum, it's a switch,

Alzheimer's isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Wealth is not a spectrum, it's a switch

I am not a spectrum, I'm a switch

You are not a spectrum, you're a switch

We're still confused why we even exist

Cuz living without spectrums is a bit of a bitch

Take a look around; there's only poor or rich

This universe feels like a quantum glitch

Consciousness is not a spectrum, it's a switch

Self-expression isn't a spectrum, it's a switch

Life is not a spectrum it's a switch

Art is not a spectrum it's a swtich

Love is not a spectrum it's a switch

Death is still a switch

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