Fractals From The Forest Floor
Fractals From The Forest Floor
When the scientists and the mathematicians
And the slightly more progressive politicians
Look​ at the world through an objective lens
It creates morality outside of sin and repentance
Which is great; to separate religion and state
Cuz a government that preaches isn't all that great
But there's things modern science just cannot explain
Like how consciousness arises in a physical brain
There's plenty of theories and speculation
Some based on brain scans and some; intuition
We sort of understand memory, and the chemistry of emotion
But we're still completely stumped about the source of creation
We know that we think, and it's easy to reduce
Certain thoughts to electrical impulses, which we can reproduce
But we know absolutely nothing about what experiences our lives
The thing that thinks our thoughts and lives behind our eyes
The proudest of atheists will tell you it's random evolution
That it's neurons firing electrons that creates the illusion
Of a self aware mind, the soul is but a delusion
Complex biology trying to make sense out of confusion
I understand this view, as I held it myself
Science explains most other things pretty damn well
But my own reality, my subjective experience
And the way our minds sort chaos into crystal coherence
Makes me wonder, makes me ponder, it excites my brain
And no longer does the thunder inside have to cause pain
Because the deeper I get and the more that I let myself forget that I have a name
The more connected I feel to the cosmic wheel and the bigger role I play
Fractals from the forest floor
The formulae of infinity
Everything repeats within itself,
Patterns bringing clarity to reality
We can see them easily
When we make an effort to look closely
At leaves, trees, clouds or blood capillaries
The world is alive with sacred geometry